Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Essence of HAPPYNES

There are no isolated events or phenomenon in the universe. 
Nothing in this universe ever happens as a coincidence or just happens. Physics’ are now beginning to realize that there is a web of inter-connectedness which webs everyone & everything to the entire cosmos. It is all inter-connected to everything else. 
In Buddhism there had already been an awareness of this for hundreds of years. What may appear to us as an isolated event is in actual fact part of a greater totality. When something happens to us at one stage of our life, it has got an inter connectedness to another period or stage of our life. Buddhism also refers to this as Karma.

If this is difficult for u to understand - just be aware of where you are, at this stage of your life very present moment. Now recall what had happened (good or bad) in the past which had led you to be where you are now. If it’s a good place, then u would say thank God that happen otherwise I would not be where I am now. Or if you are experiencing an unpleasantness at this stage in your life, then you would say why did that have to happen to me. 
Either way something had happen in the past to bring about where you are now. 
The same way there are going to be events coming about in our life at this very moment which are going to direct us to be somewhere in the future, whether or not we are conscious or unconscious of them.

Yes you may say, i am here now because of the decisions I have made. Aren’t decisions a form of thought process? And thoughts which are recollections of u'r past emotions & experiences,are limited to only that. Thoughts can only use your stored references to project a future emotion. And the irony is we keep ending up experiencing the same emotion in the future because we keep using the same references. That's like using a faulty calculator to calculate an equation. No-matter where or when you calculate, you will get the same wrong answer.
Thoughts can only relate to the past and future. They exist on a psychological time scale.  You can be here this very moment in year 2011 but your thoughts can travel back any time period in the past and bring about the very emotion you felt then. It then can move into any period in the future & create an emotion to be felt there. Take a moment now to do that and realize that when the mind is doing that you are totally not aware of your self and where you are that very moment. You are not PRESENT in the NOW emotionally. And you are not even aware that your mind has taken over your very existence to do as it pleases. Hence we keep unconsciously listening to the chitty chatter of our thoughts recalling past memories of either joy or sadness or events or just plain distractions & projecting future events. It keeps traveling on this psychological time plane - back & forth.
Can you in reality go back to the past or be present in the future at this very moment? Hence the past & future cannot be real - the only place they can exist is in the MIND where they stay alive. The past & future is only an illusion. 

In the present moment however, the NOW, thoughts seem to cease to exist - they DIE. They cannot exist in the NOW. In the present moment, the NOW, only LIFE can come into being. And where there is LIFE, there can be no thoughts. Because LIFE, is being conscious that u exist and are present and you know that you know. You are a conscious competent self. You feel the breath in you. You feel a sense of aliveness in your senses. Your senses become present all of a sudden. You see things you have not seen before or hear things which you didn't earlier or become aware of things that you touch. It almost seem as if you are observing yourself. This is the sense of LIFE.

Where thoughts exists, you are not aware of your presence & are not aware that you are not aware. You become an unconscious incompetent self. Which in fact is where we spend almost 74% of our time.  We refer to that state as daydreaming or being on auto-pilot. Then all of a sudden we get jolted out of this unconscious state of illusion and we return to what is referred to as “reality” which is in actual fact - the present moment, the NOW. All of a sudden we become aware & experience our breathing, our body, our surroundings. At that very moment, we hear no chity chatter thoughts from the mind & we experience a sense of aliveness. And for that very moment we feel JOY, HAPPYNES and - PEACE OF MIND (the mind becomes silent - PEACE-ful)
Just by Being present and AWARE in the NOW had made u HAPPY. There was no physical action required just - Being aware of LIFE. 

The only way we can allow ourselves to experience this greater connectivity with the cosmos is simply by BEING IN ALIGNMENT and AWARE of the present moment which is the NOW.
This is the essence of Happynes.

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