Monday, July 18, 2011


MIND - the master power that molds & makes 

Happynes, negativity, joy, peace of mind...all these are emotions experienced by the body which originates from the mind. Emotions are an expression of thoughts. And thoughts are a product of the mind.

We feel happy because the mind interprets an event positively & begins to manufacture a stream of thoughts in line with that interpretation. The thoughts then sends a stream of electrical impulses through-out the physical body for it to release all the necessary stimulus required to manifest that stream of thoughts into action. This is when you start experiencing the actions referred to as Happy Actions - the smile, the bounce in ur walk the good words we say to others etc. We then say "I AM HAPPY". We never say body is happy or mind is happy, but we say "I AM HAPPY" or "I FEEL HAPPY". 
As the happy feeling began its journey in the mind, the "I" that we refer to is in actual fact - the MIND. Hence all emotions -  happynes, negativity, anger, joy, peace, calmness etc are all a manifestation of the MIND. 

This physical body which we have been so concerned and obsessed with is in actual fact just an instrument of the MIND. The body ony reacts to what the MIND wants it to do. It cannot act by itself. The MIND is the driver of this vehicle body

Question: - How much attention then have we given to understanding the MIND? What proportions of time, energy or consideration have we allocated up to this point in our life to the MIND as compared to the body? We keep making plans to work on this body - to loose weight, to look better, the make-up better, to smell better....all betterment things to the body but end up still feeling Unhappy and being no better off than the day we made those plans. This is because the command center for the body is located in the MIND & any action required needs to be sent through the MIND. 
But have we understood or found how to access the MIND. We have unknowingly relinquishing absolute control of this body to the MIND by letting it do what it pleases with the body. Hence we end up being UNHAPPY cos we "feel" we hadn't gotten out of life what we desire. We desire to loose weight but still weigh the same or more. We desire more quality time in our life but still overwork our-self, we desire to be more spiritual but don't do much about it, we desire loving & caring relationships but don't put the required effort ...etc etc. Our desire (wish) list keeps getting longer & longer as time goes and we keep getting more & more unhappy with our life situation.

Now this is interesting because although the MIND is the "I" but we still have this 2nd feeling telling us we are not happy with the actions of the MIND. What is this 2nd feeling? Where is that coming from? Is there another part of of the "I" that till now i knew nothing of? Why is there suddenly an awareness of an internal conflict - we'll explore that in the journey on ESSENCE.

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